Thursday, April 26, 2012


I am pretty new to all of this "blogging", as in this is my first post of my first blog ever. I have actually been reading blogs for quite some time. I enjoy reading about people's lives who I don't know, and will most likely never know. It is exciting to get a glimpse of a stranger's life. It shows that there are other people out there just as strange as you are (sometimes stranger, which is  huge relief). Note: Please don't take strange in a derogatory way. I am an extremely strange creature (why I don't begin to pretend to understand). Is it a product of how you were raised, or your environment, or is this how you were destined to be before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye. I prefer not to discombobulate myself with the whole Nature vs. Nurture debate. This is me, does it honestly matter exactly what made me this way? I feel like I must say at this point I am also easily distracted; I have a tendency to go off on some wild tangent and completely forget the reason I first started it. I (almost) always get back to my point eventually though. So, on to my point. I am excited to start my blogging adventure. I look forward to sharing a glimpse of my life with complete strangers and hearing their feedback (constructive criticism welcomed).

A little about me.

I lead a rather ordinary life, that almost always has some sort of amazing adventure wrapped up in it. I have had my share of trails, some wins some losses. I know what I want out of life - happiness. I don't know the exact path to happiness, but I feel like I'm on it. I have a wonderful (crazy) family, an awesome (awesome) boyfriend, funny (misbehaved) dogs, and have recently begun my first big girl job! I over analyze pretty much EVERY decision I make, this is a habit I'm pretty sure started at the age of tree. Once I make the decision, I convince myself with every fiber of my being that I made the wrong one, no matter what the outcome. If I could change something about myself this would be the one and only thing. Not saying that I don't have other flaws, because trust me I have many. This one in particular just happens to be the only one that seems to interfere with things. This one trait I can pretty much explain to you how it came about. I am a only child - I know, I know that's no excuse, but I'm pretty sure in this situation it's the main cause. I am a perfectionist in pretty much every sense of the word, which I feel contributes to what I would call a mild case of OCD, but we'll save that for another day! Other than that I'm your pretty typical 21 year old girl. I work hard (I guess not that typical these days), I hang out with friends, I am deathly afraid of thunderstorms and the dark (yes, I do have a night-light). I like to laugh, and I like to make other people laugh. I have also had 5 different majors in college (which I am on a hiatus from at the moment). How does anyone decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives at 18? I personally think that's too much pressure on kids. So for now I'm taking life one day at a time. And if my belief in living this way wasn't strong enough before, my mother recently won her battle with breast cancer. This also put life into a new prospective (she is only 42). You never know when your time will be up, so I say I'm going to be as happy as I can as often as I can. There's no reason for me to be any other way!

So I feel like I have ranted enough for this post. I'll do my best to make my next post more structured (yea right). Until next time, smile!

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